Unidad 1 Sesión 3 Actividad 2 Carta a la embajada y voki en idioma inglés
La actividad 2 de la sesión 3 indica realizar un texto corto donde indiquemos las razones por las qe se elige la carrera y el por qué elegimos este modelo de estudio ofertado por la UnADM.
Posterior a esto se genera un audio con nuestro vok y se solicita subir esto al blog con la URL correspondiente al voki.
http ://tinyurl.com/y853qjao
Dear Canada Embassy:
My name is Sofia Rojas. I want to study the career offered by UnADM "Applied Nutrition" because, compared to other universities, the educational model is online and the curricular map is amazing. I will learn to be autonomous and be able to self-manage. I can work on my terms and on my schedule and study anywhere I want The main reason to study nutrition is due to the fact that a large portion of the Mexican population has some form of a systemic disease. This fact compounded with poor diet and malnutrition causes an immense amount of harm to the health of our society. I want to be able to teach people how to modify their nutrition intake so that they can enjoy a better quality of life. Unless people are aware of the problem, they can not fix the problem and I want to help them fix the problem.
Sofía Rojas
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